Thursday, September 8, 2016

Purpose ~ Unique But Never Solitary

No great work was ever accomplished by one person alone, but rather though the convergence of multiple, individual purposes resulting in positive change.
Your purpose was designed for NOW! If you are alive, then you have proof that your purpose matters.

Ecclesiastes 3:1,11 " ..a time for EVERY PURPOSE under heaven. He has made everything beautiful in IT'S TIME. He has also put eternity into their hearts."

What is in your heart is also in Gods heart. He gave you a unique and special piece of the eternal human equation for you to fulfill. You have been given the assigned season of your life to accomplish this valuable piece. By design, Purpose was created to connect individuals to a larger dream- vision- to produce optimum impact.  When you become responsible for your purpose and take steps daily to accomplish your calling, you will find abundant opportunities to link with others thus finding fulfillment and significance. We are given our gifts not to serve ourselves, but to serve and add value to others.

Who can you find to link your purpose? Is their vision larger than yours? Does it carry the core beliefs and heartbeat as your passion and purpose?

"There is something within you that is being called by Eternity" 
~ Dr Miles Monroe

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Know your WHY!

Knowing your WHY is the most profound yet simple revelation you may experience in your life. You can be doing "what" you have natural gifts and skill sets for without ever knowing why you are wired this way!
Many times we find we are engaged  with the "what" simply because it is a natural outlet, flow or opportunity of our God given strengths and giftings.  We live and operate solely in the what and think this is our destiny and purpose.  Your job, career, or talent- although a powerful use of your unique strengths- may in reality be a source of funding or resourcing your true purpose..your WHY.
We must become intentional in discovering and understanding that God's plan for our life is rooted and based in our purpose. What we do and how we do it are secondary as they will flow very effectively once we align them under our WHY.
Follow your heart to discover you is woven throughout the tapestry of your life.
Your soul and unique strengths will align with the power of your purpose and provide the support and structure needed to export your purpose into your realm of influence.
Focus on WHY..and what and how will be much more rewarding!

"Regardless of WHAT we do in our lives, our WHY - our driving purpose, cause or belief - never changes."
~ Simon Sinek, Start with Why

Trade Offs

The great men and women of history were not great because of what they earned or owned, but rather for what they gave their lives to accomplish.

Martin Luther King Jr, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela all provide a picture of trading security for significance. Wisdom is not to measure life by security, the "safe" option, but by significance.

Security is about me; Significance is about others! Your unique gifts were not given to you to keep close to home, but to export and add tremendous value in the lives of others. Significance creates legacy. A mother choosing to add value to her children, a father working late nights to be present in his children's life, a business owner seeking to add value to his workers...all are giving a piece of their life for someone else. Trading off security to create significance.

What are some trade offs you need to make?

* Financial security in a dead end career for the potential of fulfilling your purpose?

* Immediate gratification for personal growth that will yield sustainable change?

* The fast and easy for the solid and slow journey of a good life?

What must you give up to go up? The choice is yours...will you trade security for significance?
Doing so may stir up fear, but do it anyway!

"Many times the pathway to our greatest potential is straight through our greatest fears"
Pastor Craig Groeschel

A Successful Journey

A successful journey requires markers, segments and boundaries. Just as a rushing force of water cannot cut its path in one day, neither can we complete a fulfilling journey in a single day.
Our individual purpose was designed for impact but it takes time to cut our path and establish boundaries. Taking a trip is more than driving the mapped course. In a similar manner, being driven is not the same as being passionate.  
DRIVE is a NEED to reach a destination, PASSION is the LOVE of the Journey!
Are you Driving your Life?  The final destination will be accomplished to some degree, but with unfulfilled yearnings and lack of impact.
If you can begin to LOVE your journey...and allow your Passion or Purpose be the mode of will arrive at a destination with a treasure of souvenirs! You will accumulate memories, relationships, impact, and true significance that builds a lifetime of influence and value in the lives of others.
When we journey instead of drive, we discover the secret of small disciplines. Doing the small but important steps with consistency lead to great achievements gained slowly over time.
Discipline is the gap between a life of checking off accomplishments on our map and leaving a legacy of impact as we intentionally enjoyed our journey !

" Have patience, all things are difficult before the become easy" ~ Saadi- Persian poet