Saturday, September 3, 2016

Know your WHY!

Knowing your WHY is the most profound yet simple revelation you may experience in your life. You can be doing "what" you have natural gifts and skill sets for without ever knowing why you are wired this way!
Many times we find we are engaged  with the "what" simply because it is a natural outlet, flow or opportunity of our God given strengths and giftings.  We live and operate solely in the what and think this is our destiny and purpose.  Your job, career, or talent- although a powerful use of your unique strengths- may in reality be a source of funding or resourcing your true purpose..your WHY.
We must become intentional in discovering and understanding that God's plan for our life is rooted and based in our purpose. What we do and how we do it are secondary as they will flow very effectively once we align them under our WHY.
Follow your heart to discover you is woven throughout the tapestry of your life.
Your soul and unique strengths will align with the power of your purpose and provide the support and structure needed to export your purpose into your realm of influence.
Focus on WHY..and what and how will be much more rewarding!

"Regardless of WHAT we do in our lives, our WHY - our driving purpose, cause or belief - never changes."
~ Simon Sinek, Start with Why

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