Thursday, September 8, 2016

Purpose ~ Unique But Never Solitary

No great work was ever accomplished by one person alone, but rather though the convergence of multiple, individual purposes resulting in positive change.
Your purpose was designed for NOW! If you are alive, then you have proof that your purpose matters.

Ecclesiastes 3:1,11 " ..a time for EVERY PURPOSE under heaven. He has made everything beautiful in IT'S TIME. He has also put eternity into their hearts."

What is in your heart is also in Gods heart. He gave you a unique and special piece of the eternal human equation for you to fulfill. You have been given the assigned season of your life to accomplish this valuable piece. By design, Purpose was created to connect individuals to a larger dream- vision- to produce optimum impact.  When you become responsible for your purpose and take steps daily to accomplish your calling, you will find abundant opportunities to link with others thus finding fulfillment and significance. We are given our gifts not to serve ourselves, but to serve and add value to others.

Who can you find to link your purpose? Is their vision larger than yours? Does it carry the core beliefs and heartbeat as your passion and purpose?

"There is something within you that is being called by Eternity" 
~ Dr Miles Monroe

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